

FEnanoMENOS is a competition for secondary school students in which they must carry out projects based on the study of a phenomenon related to nanoscience from start to finish. Two categories are established depending on the educational field of the participants: Compulsory Secondary Education and Special Education. Participation will take place in groups with a maximum of 6 participants, who, led by a teacher, will have to select a property offered by nanoscience and present in some everyday element of our society, to explain it in an interactive way through a sketch, experience or model.
The 15 projects that qualify for the final phase will be presented at the Aragon Nanoscience Fair for schoolchildren.

DATES: 2015 (first edition) – 2023 (eigth edition)
DESCRIPTION: NanoAsalto is a project that fuses Science and Art. An exhibition of paintings representing various research topics in nanoscience.
DATES: 2019-2020 (at present, permanent exhibition at Edificio I+D+i)
DESCRIPTION: Agencia de NanoCrític@s is a project that aims to teach the scientific method by solving certain situations with the help of nanomaterials and discriminating false information from truthful information. In the primary school version, students will have to deal with the appearance of dinosaurs in the city of Zaragoza and the secondary school version will force students to survive on a hostile planet like MARS and to find a way to return to Earth after a crash landing. All these situations must be solved thanks to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. These two versions also include a comic and a story about these adventures. The version for children’s education of this project is based on a story that is accompanied by experiments to illustrate it. In this story, two children living in medieval times travel to the future to meet a scientist working in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology who will explain to them the advantages of new nanomaterials and the technology based on them.
DATES: 2020-2023 (third edición)
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: workshops in educational centres

DESCRIPTION: 10alamenos9 present the history and scope of nanotechnology through workshops, round tables, coffee-talks, seminars, master classes, science and art performances and many other activities.
The festival aims to bring us, regardless of age and knowledge, in a fun and exciting way, closer to the nano dimension, i.e. to the billionth (10-9) part of a metre, the dimension slightly larger than atoms and molecules, the dimension of our DNA. The festival will include a series of activities that will take place on successive days in various parts of Spain.

DATES: 2016-2018 (second edition)
AWARDS: Premio del Campus Gutenberg 2020 dentro de las jornadas del Campus Gutenberg – CosmoCaixa

DESCRIPTION: NanoAwareness is an informative audiovisual content project designed by the Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología at the University of Zaragoza to demonstrate how research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is present in many of the everyday objects that surround us.
The project is presented from an innovative approach: each episode starts with the encounter and analysis of a consumer product that we find in our daily life with some special feature and we will make a journey to the centre of the object. In this journey to its interior, we analyse what the product and its components are like on the nanometric scale and how the qualities it has are possible in part or in whole thanks to nanoscience and the manipulation of matter on this scale.

DATES: 2017-2018 
DESCRIPTION: It is a transversal approach because the emphasis is not always on nanoscience, but rather an interpretation of it from the perspective of each of the five senses. This opens up the context beyond research and science, mixing it with the everyday, the personal and the perceptive in such a way that it is easier for it to penetrate a citizen far removed from science due to the experiential component.
DATES: 2018-2019
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: science experience box
DESCRIPTION: This project aims to provide secondary school teachers with tools to teach concepts related to nanoscience through the performing and visual arts. The project addresses 5 themes related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from various scientific disciplines. In the case of the performing arts, the students must create a play using the tools provided to them based on the scientific concepts covered in each theme. In the case of the plastic arts, the students will complete an artistic notebook based on the different scientific concepts that are to be addressed.
FINANCING: Erasmus +
DATES: 2021-2023
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: science experience box
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to provide early childhood education teachers with tools to introduce children to nanoscience through puppet shows and resources specific to the early childhood education classroom. The project is based on the elaboration of different simple experiments that can be developed in the classroom to understand concepts related to nanoscience.
FINANCING: Erasmus +
DATES: 2022-2025
DESCRIPTION: RetroNanotech is a scientific culture project that analyses the futuristic vision of nanoscience in our most recent past through different science fiction films made during the second half of the 20th century.
FINANCING: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
DATES: 2017 -2017
DESCRIPTION: “El Rescate del Titán” is a game of wits in which participants, in teams, must solve a case. To do so, they will have to decipher different ingenuity tests, many of them related to nanoscience. This scientific adventure, designed for schoolchildren aged 14 and over and the general public, lasts 40 minutes of fast-paced play and interweaves elements of a treasure hunt, role-playing game and “escape room” in which participants experiment, learn nanoscience, deduce from our research results and do live science to overcome tests and achieve the goal: to rescue the Titan. The participants, playing in teams, must be able to solve the different clues that a thief has left for his accomplice in order to open the hiding place containing his loot: the valuable TITAN microscope.
The main objective has been to arouse interest in science, its knowledge, its development and the results of research through play, bringing science and innovation closer to the general public from the age of 13, from a close and everyday point of view.
DATES: 2018-2019
AWARDS: Catálogo FECYT de Buenas Prácticas 2017


Hi Score Science is a free, ad-free science quiz game in Spanish and English, with versions in French and Basque, for mobile devices, Play Store and Apple Store and on PC, Mac and Linux ( whose aim is to increase the scientific culture of its users in a fun way, bringing closer the science we live with every day.
Hi Score Science is not only a game of questions and answers about science, but also allows us to delve into science and its advances through two research centres, the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), y el Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea (ISQCH), -both joint centres of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza-. For this reason, and since it is an outreach project developed between two research centres, the game includes informative explanations of the scientific reality behind each of the answers, seeking to encourage users’ curiosity about science.
We want users to feel part of the project, which is why users are encouraged to collaborate in the development of the scientific content of the game and are rewarded for it. To this end, three national competitions have been created: a junior competition for primary school students, a youth competition for secondary school, high school and vocational training students, and a senior competition for students aged 18 and over.
In addition, an Absolute National on-line league has been created with a monthly tournament from September to June in which users from all over Spain, all ages and educational levels, from primary school to university professors and from all over Spain compete.
The project also has themed gymkhanas (science in general, SDGs and women scientists), which will be used in different Spanish locations from large cities to villages with few inhabitants and which, thanks to their versatile and easily adaptable design, can be requested for use in any town or educational centre.
Finally, there is also a recreational machine, like a machine from the 80’s, which facilitates its installation for exhibitions in museums and science houses, which will circulate in several Spanish museums and which can also be requested for its use.
All the news and the rules of the different competitions are available at

FINANCING: FECYT (FECYT FCT-15-10220, FCT-17-12643, FCT-18-14052 y FCT-19-15123)
DATES: 2016 – en activo
DESCRIPTON: NanoRural is a scientific dissemination project of the joint centre between the CSIC and the University of Aragon’s Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA,, Zaragoza, to bring science to rural areas in a fun, educational and accessible way. To this end, INMA is bringing a small travelling fair designed for all audiences and with a large number of scientific demonstrations that include materials with shape memory, liquid crystals, magnetic fields and light polarisers, which bring the materials of the future closer to those attending.
FINANCING: Cuenta la Ciencia, Fundación General del CSIC
DATES: 2021-active
DESCRIPTION: Nanoscience-related experiment kits.
FINANCING: Cuenta la ciencia, Fundación  General del CSIC
DATES: 2021-2021
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: science experience box
DESCRIPTION: FutureNanotech is a science popularisation project that analyses the vision of nanoscience in current narratives through different science fiction films and series made in the most recent times.
FINANCING: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
DATES: 2018-2018
DESCRIPTION: “Cápsulas de Nanotecnología” is an audiovisual content project, promoted by the Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología, at the University of Zaragoza for the dissemination and promotion of research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. This project has been funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the SAMCA Chair of Nanotechnology of the University of Zaragoza. The project consists of ten episodes in videopodcast format of approximately four to five minutes in length. All the material generated by this project is available on the web:
DATES: 2015 – active (videos available)
DESCRIPTION: “NanoRevolution” is a space in which visitors are the protagonists, an exhibition that is above all interactive and uses technology to introduce participants to the world of the smallest, the unseen, nanoscience.
The general objectives to be achieved with the design of this exhibition are:
1.- To bring nanoscience research and innovation closer to young schoolchildren from a close and everyday perspective, in order to help them understand this new discipline. The project brings new concepts of science and shows real applications in market products whose properties have been improved thanks to nanoscience, making it something tangible and close to them. In addition, NanoRevolution is an ideal space for INA researchers to present part of their research to the public, thus bringing the work of the researcher closer to the general public.
2.- To encourage experimentation among young people with an interactive exhibition in which visitors will be the protagonists. Making the participant the centre of a scientific event facilitates the understanding of complex scientific concepts or phenomena. This is achieved thanks to nanoscience challenges where schoolchildren work with their own hands on aspects related to this branch of science.
DESCRIPTION: “Bienvenido a la nanodimensión!” is an exhibition produced by our Institute in 2010 and co-funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, FECYT, and the Government of Aragon. Since then, it has been exhibited in more than 20 cities and has been visited by more than 50,000 people.
It is an exhibition aimed at a family audience that tries to transmit a passion for knowledge, the possibility of getting to know a new world, a tiny world but one that has a great influence on what happens in the macroscopic world that we see with our own eyes. The visitor is invited to enter into the content in an original and entertaining way.
The exhibition consists of three zones. In each of them, a key aspect of nanoscience is developed.
DATES: 2011-2012
DESCRIPTION: Bacterfield is a strategy board game, for 2 to 4 players (from 14 years old), in which you can control the growth of bacteria. In order to achieve the objective, different action cards are used, which provide the necessary help to win the game.
It is not necessary to have previous knowledge of microbiology in order to play, but rather the game mechanics itself will help you to discover it. To do so, you will have to collect bacteria, plan a strategy and use the cards to acquire new genes or to eliminate rival bacteria.
The game, which is available in Spanish and English, will be used in different events in secondary schools and associations.
FINANCING: Cuenta la Ciencia, Fundación General del CSIC
DATES: 2020-active

DESCRIPTION: The Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Aragón (ESCYRA) and the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA (CSIC-UNIZAR) propose a journey through time with a workshop on the restoration and conservation of the sarcophagus and a cat mummy, where you can experiment with the different cutting-edge scientific techniques used in professional conservation and restoration in a fun and entertaining way.
This activity is recommended for children from 10 to 15 years old, but it is also suitable for all kinds of adults.

FINANCING: Cuenta la Ciencia, Fundación General del CSIC
DATES: 2019-2019
DESCRIPTION: Cycle of conferences to promote and raise awareness of spin-off companies related to Nanotechnology. The conferences take place regularly on the last Thursday of each month “Thursday’s Nano-Spinoff Talks”, with the assistance of researchers and students of the Master in Nanoscience of the University of Zaragoza. In the talks we want to present companies in different fields and development studies..
FINANCING: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
DATES: 2020-active
DESCRIPTION: In December 2023, we embarked on the adventure of starting our podcast. We began with a pilot experience, recording 6 episodes of 10 minutes each in an interview format. This first foray provided us with valuable lessons and insights on how to improve and expand our reach, laying the groundwork for the growth and refinement of the project.
Our podcast is distinguished by its up-close and personal approach. Through carefully designed interviews, we reveal not only the technical aspects of the research, but also the personal motivations and career paths of our researchers. This format allows our audience to connect more deeply with the scientists, understanding the stories behind their life decisions and the learnings accumulated along the way.
FINANCING: grant for the organisation in Aragon, during 2024, of events and activities for the promotion, dissemination and diffusion of science, research and technological development (€10,000).
DATES: Dec. 2023 – Oct. 2024.
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: Recording of audio and video interviews with INMA researchers. The recordings have taken place in the Romanesque Church of San Miguel (Uncastillo), CPI Castillo de Qadrit (Cadrete) and Centro de Arte Edificio Mirador de Zaragoza.


A competition for secondary school students, in which they must carry out projects based on the study of a phenomenon linked to nanoscience from start to finish. Two categories are established according to the educational field of the participants: Compulsory Secondary Education and Special Education. Participation will take place in groups with a maximum of 6 participants, who, led by a teacher, will have to select a property offered by nanoscience and present in some everyday element of our society, to explain it in an interactive way through a sketch, experience or model.
The 15 projects that qualify for the final phase will be presented at the Aragon Nanoscience Fair for schoolchildren.

DATES: 2015 (first edition) – 2022 (seventh edition)
DESCRIPTION: Project that fuses science and art. Exhibition of paintings depicting various nanoscience research topics.
DATES: 2019 – 2020
DESCRIPTION: This project aims to teach the scientific method by solving certain situations with the help of nanomaterials and discriminating false information from truthful information.
DATES: 2020 – 2023 (third edición)
ASSOCIATED ACTITIES: workshops in educational centres
DESCRIPTION: 10ALaMenos9 will present the history and scope of nanotechnology through workshops, round tables, coffee-talks, seminars, master classes, science and art performances and many other activities.

The festival aims to bring us, regardless of age and knowledge, in a fun and exciting way, closer to the nano dimension, i.e. to the billionth (10-9) part of a metre, the dimension slightly larger than atoms and molecules, the dimension of our DNA. The festival will include a series of activities that will take place in successive days in various parts of Spain.

DATES: 2016 – 2018 (second edition)
AWARDS: Premio del Campus Gutenberg 2020 dentro de las jornadas del Campus Gutenberg – CosmoCaixa

NanoAwareness is an informative audiovisual content project designed by the Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología at the University of Zaragoza to demonstrate how research in nanoscience and nanotechnology is present in many of the everyday objects that surround us.
The project is presented from an innovative approach: each episode starts with the encounter and analysis of a consumer product that we find in our daily life with some special feature and we will make a journey to the centre of the object. In this journey to its interior, we analyse what the product and its components are like on the nanometric scale and how the qualities it has are possible in part or in whole thanks to nanoscience and the manipulation of matter on this scale.

DATES: 2017 – 2018 
DESCRIPTION: Se trata de una aproximación transversal pIt is a transversal approach because the emphasis is not always on nanoscience, but rather an interpretation of it from the perspective of each of the five senses. This opens up the context beyond research and science, mixing it with the everyday, the personal and the perceptive in such a way that it is easier for it to penetrate a citizen far removed from science due to the experiential component.
DATES: 2018 – 2019
DESCRIPTION: This project aims to provide secondary school teachers with tools to teach concepts related to nanoscience through the performing and plastic arts.
FINANCING: Erasmus +
DATES: 2021 – 2023
ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES: science experience box
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to provide children’s education teachers with tools to bring children closer to nanoscience through puppet shows and resources specific to the children’s education classroom.
FINANCING: Erasmus +
DATES: 2022 – 2025
DESCRIPTION: RetroNanotech is a scientific culture project that analyses the futuristic vision of nanoscience in our most recent past through different science fiction films made during the second half of the 20th century.
FINANCING: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
DATES: 2017 –
DESCRIPTION: “El Rescate del Titán” is a game of wits in which participants, in teams, must solve a case. To do so, they will have to decipher different ingenuity tests, many of them related to nanoscience. This scientific adventure, designed for schoolchildren aged 14 and over and the general public, lasts 40 minutes of fast-paced play and interweaves elements of a treasure hunt, role-playing game and “escape room” in which participants experiment, learn nanoscience, deduce from our research results and do live science to overcome tests and achieve the goal: to rescue the Titan. The participants, playing in teams, must be able to solve the different clues that a thief has left for his accomplice in order to open the hiding place containing his loot: the valuable TITAN microscope.
The main objective has been to arouse interest in science, its knowledge, its development and the results of research through play, bringing science and innovation closer to the general public from the age of 13, from a close and everyday point of view.
DATES: 2018 – 2019
AWARDS: Catálogo FECYT de Buenas Prácticas 2017
DESCRIPTION: Hi Score Science is a quiz game about science, in Spanish and English, for mobile devices, iOS and Android that is developed between two research institutes, Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea (ISQCH) and the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), which allows to include informative explanations of the scientific reality behind each of the answers. The game can be downloaded free of charge and without advertising at Apple Store y en Play Store.
DESCRIPTION: NanoRural is a scientific dissemination project of the joint centre between the CSIC and the University of Aragon’s Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA,, Zaragoza, to bring science to rural areas in a fun, educational and accessible way. To this end, INMA is bringing a small travelling fair designed for all audiences and with a large number of scientific demonstrations that include materials with shape memory, liquid crystals, magnetic fields and light polarisers, which bring the materials of the future closer to those attending.
DESCRIPCION: Maletines con experimentos relacionados con la nanociencia.
FINANCIACIÓN: Cuenta la ciencia, Fundación CSIC
FECHAS: 2020 – 2021
ACTIVIDADES ASOCIADAS: Maletín de experiencias
DESCRIPCION: FutureNanotech es un proyecto de divulgación científica en el que se analiza la visión de la Nanociencia en la narrativa actual a través de diferentes películas y series de ciencia ficción realizadas en la actualidad más reciente.
FINANCIACIÓN: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
FECHAS: 2018 –
DESCRIPCION: “Cápsulas de Nanotecnología” es un proyecto de contenido audiovisual, impulsado por la Cátedra SAMCA de la Universidad de Zaragoza para la divulgación y promoción de la investigación en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) – Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y la Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología de la Universidad de Zaragoza. El proyecto está compuesto por diez episodios en formato de videopodcast de una duración aproximada de entre cuatro y cinco minutos. Todo el material generado por este proyecto está disponible en la web:
FECHAS: 2015 –
DESCRIPCION: “NanoRevolution” es un espacio en el que los visitantes son los protagonistas, una muestra sobre todo interactiva que utiliza la tecnología para que los participantes se introduzcan en el mundo de lo más pequeño, lo que no se ve, la nanociencia.
Los objetivos generales que se pretendían alcanzar con el diseño de esta exposición son:
1.- Acercar la investigación e innovación en nanociencia a jóvenes escolares desde lo cercano y lo cotidiano, para ayudar a comprender esta nueva disciplina. El proyecto acerca conceptos novedosos de ciencia y en él se muestran aplicaciones reales en productos de mercado que gracias a la nanociencia han visto mejoradas sus propiedades, haciendo que sea algo tangible y cercano. Además, NanoRevolution es un espacio idóneo para que los investigadores del INA presenten parte de sus investigaciones al ciudadano y acercando así el trabajo del investigador al público general.
2.- Fomentar la experimentación entre los más jóvenes con una exposición interactiva en la que los visitantes serán los protagonistas. Convertir al participante en el centro de un hecho científico facilita la comprensión de los conceptos o fenómenos científicos complejos. Esto se consigue gracias a desafíos de la nanociencia donde los escolares trabajan con sus propias manos aspectos relacionados con esta rama de la ciencia.
DESCRIPCIÓN: Bienvenido a la nanodimensión! es una exposición producida por nuestro Instituto en el año 2010 y cofinanciada por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT, y el Gobierno de Aragón. Desde entonces, se ha expuesto en más de 20 ciudades y ha sido visitada por más de 50.000 personas.
Es una exposición orientada a público familiar que intenta transmitir pasión por el conocimiento, la posibilidad de conocer un mundo nuevo, un mundo diminuto pero que influye en gran medida en lo que ocurre en el mundo macroscópico que vemos con nuestros propios ojos. Se invita a que el visitante se adentre en un contenido de forma original y amena.
La exposición consta de tres zonas. En cada una de ellas se desarrolla un aspecto clave para conocer la nanociencia:
DESCRIPCIÓN: Bacterfield es un juego de mesa de estrategia, de 2 a 4 jugadores (a partir de 14 años), en el que se puede controlar el crecimiento de las bacterias. Para conseguir el objetivo se contará con diferentes cartas de acción, que proporcionarán la ayuda necesaria para ganar la partida.
Para jugar no es necesario tener conocimientos previos en microbiología, sino que es la propia mecánica del juego la que ayuda a descubrirlos. Para ello habrá que reunir las bacterias, planificar una estrategia y utilizar las cartas para adquirir nuevos genes o para eliminar a las bacterias rivales.
El juego, que se encuentra disponible en español e inglés, se utilizará en diferentes eventos en institutos de educación secundaria y asociaciones.
DESCRIPCIÓN: Ciclo de conferencias para impulsar y dar a conocer las empresas spin-off relacionadas con la Nanotecnología. Las conferencias se desarrollan regularmente los últimos jueves de cada mes “Thursday´s Nano-Spinoff Talks”, con asistencia de investigadores y estudiantes del Master de Nanociencia de la Universidad de Zaragoza. En las charlas queremos presentar empresas en diferentes ámbitos y estudios de desarrollo.
FINANCIACIÓN: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
FECHAS: 2020 

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