Offer of post-doctoral secondment stays at INMA

Form to prepare job offers in European projects (Euraxess)

  • Intranet (Google Drive, “Compartido conmigo”, INTRANET-INMA-carpeta-compartida, OFERTAS_DE_EMPLEO (or use this link), click on Euraxess job offer and fill in the form. Once you have finished, contact Juan I. Gallego).

Example of job offer

  • Intranet (Google Drive, “Compartido conmigo”, INTRANET-INMA-carpeta-compartida, OFERTAS_DE_EMPLEO(or use this link), download “EjemploOfertaEmpleo” fill it in. Once you have finished, send your job offer to Juan I. Gallego).
  • The job offer, once published on the INMA website, will also be disseminated through the Institute’s social networks (X, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).
  • In addition, the principal investigator is advised to disseminate the job offer through his/her social networks (LinkedIn, etc.) and through RedIris.

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