Home » DISSEMINATION » Advising and training
One of the objectives of the Science Communication & Outreach Unit (SCOSU) is to help researchers and INMA staff who wish to start in the tasks of dissemination. To do this, from the UCC+i we provide continuous training through various courses and training sessions.
In addition, the UCC+i advises and offers the necessary support for the application and compliance with the requirements established in national and international calls for scientific dissemination.
For more information, please contact Science Communication & Outreach (SCOSU) at the following e-mail address inmadivulgacion@unizar.es or by phone, 876554096 (Ext. 844096) / 646196596 (Ext. 947245).
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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