Department 4: Bio-nano-medicine

Head of Department: Valeria Grazú

This line covers the activities of several research groups whose main objective is the analysis of different problems associated with the biological and biomedical applications of structural biomaterials and nanoparticles as well as the modelling of the human visual response.

This research line covers two main subjects dealing with the biological applications of materials:

The study of structural materials with high mechanical performances for structural and tribological applications, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), diamond like carbon (DLC) coatings, shape memory alloys (Ni-Ti) and bioceramics. The applications to be analysed cover joint protheses and orthopaedic, urology and vascular devices.

The synthesis and characterization of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles using new physical and chemical synthesis methods, developing biological functionalization startegies. These materials are adequate in therapy and diagnosis in biomedicine and in other areas related with biology.

Another research subfield asssociated to the application of technologies related with human vision to understand the eye structure and how it works has been added. The presence of adequate human resources at the Institute, although has not synergies with the rest of material research lines are the reasons.

Groups belonging to department 4

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