INMA offers the opportunity for students to carry out research internships at the Institute. These students are integrated into the research team of the Institute developing their specific research activity within a reference research group. They learn to function in the world of science and research as well as receive specific scientific-technical training and participate in the following activities:
– Attendance and participation in the periodic meetings of the research group.
– Attendance at scientific seminars, courses and training activities organized by INMA.
– Attendance and participation in dissemination events organized by the Scientific Culture Unit of INMA.
The selection criteria for students for this type of practices will always be by professional merit and academic records trying to make a recruitment of talent for the Institute.
To be eligible for this type of internship the student must contact directly with the research groups or researchers who develop scientific tasks related to their interests.
COURSE 2023/2024
Topic:The student will prepare cell cultures treated with thermometric nanoparticles. The student will use such cell cultures in intracellular temperature temperature imaging experiments and in monitoring intracellular temperature as a function of mitochondrial activity.
Supervisors: Ángel Millán
Group: Multifunctional Molecular Magnetic Materials (M4)
Student: Ofertado
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Development of new nanosystems for the controlled release of drugs and signaling molecules in the inhibition of inflammation in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Tasks: Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured systems based on polymers loaded with therapeutic molecules against inflammation and oxidative stress. Study of cytocompatibility and in vitro efficacy.
Supervisors: Manuel Arruebo
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: Alida Monreal López
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic:DSSCs (dye sensitized solar cells) have aroused great interest in recent years due to their advantages over other technologies: low manufacturing costs, ease of processing, the possibility of using flexible substrates and, above all, their excellent response under artificial light conditions.
The proposed TFM consists of 3 phases:
1.- Several p- and n-type photoactive organic dyes will be synthesized and characterized, following the usual protocols in an organic chemistry laboratory.
2.- Prototypes or small-sized photovoltaic modules will be built and characterized by illuminating them with both artificial led light and a solar simulator.
3.- The feasibility of using the molecules synthesized in water splitting processes (artificial photosynthesis) for the production of hydrogen from photovoltaic energy will be studied.
Supervisors: Santiago Franco
Group: Sistemas pi-funcionales fotoactivos
Student: Ofertado
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Bacterial cultures, extraction of extracellular vesicles and their characterization. Cultures of tumor and non-tumor eukaryotic cells, treatment of these with extracellular vesicles. Internalization of nanoparticles in extracellular vesicles and characterization. Metabolite quantification: sample preparation for UPLC analysis. Microscopy techniques.
Supervisors: Ana Martín Pardillos y Jesús Santamaría
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: Marcos Orduña Polo
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Development and characterization of efficient and highly stable perovskite photovoltaic devices for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). The project will optimize the manufacturing process of solar cells on ceramic substrates and perform a complete composition-properties analysis.
Supervisors: Emilio Juárez y Cristina Momblona
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: Ofertado
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Synthesis of thermoresponsive block copolymers by controlled polymerization and click chemistry techniques. Structural and thermo-responsive characterization. Study of the self-assembly properties in water, characterization of the self-assemblies and evaluation of their potential as nanocarriers for controlled drug release.
Supervisors: Milagros Piñol
Group: Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (CLIP)
Student: Alicia Martínez Visus
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline semiconductors.
Fabrication and characterisation of photovoltaic solar cells based on the synthesized nanocrystals.
Along the project, the solar cell fabrication process in ambient conditions will be optimised. A complete analysis of composition-properties of individual layers and whole devices will be performed.
Supervisors: María Bernechea y Cristina Momblona
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: Ofertado
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Development of nanomaterials for energy storage: • Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and nanocomposites. • Fabrication of electrodes based on nanomaterials and nanocomposites. • Capacity or capacitance evaluation of electrodes in Na-ion batteries or supercapacitors.
Supervisors: María Bernechea y María Pilar Lobera
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: Marcos Rueda
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: This work focuses on the preparation of functional organic materials from molecules that, by means of supramolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding and “pi” stacking, give rise to liquid crystal arrangements in which the molecules are stacked to form columnar nanostructures. The activities to be performed are: – Chemical synthesis of organic molecules – Chemical characterization using common techniques in organic chemistry. – Characterization of liquid crystal properties – Preparation and characterization of nanoaggregates in solution – Study of semiconducting and fluorescent properties – Search of bibliography related to the topic.
Supervisors: Teresa Sierra y Blanca Ros
Group: Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (CLIP)
Student: Daniel Jiménez Bernal
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Porous oxides derived from eutectic melts. Processability, microstructure, ionic conduction, thermal and chemical stability in contact with molten carbonates. The student will study previous related literature; solidify the materials; perform experiments (conductivity, phases, microstructure, evolution); and evaluate the materials as CO2 membranes.
Supervisor: Rosa Isabel Merino
Group: Procesado y caracterización de cerámicas estructurales y funcionales (PROCACEF)
Student: Paula Novella
Topic: Diseño, síntesis, procesado y evaluación de nuevos materiales orgánicos funcionales
Supervisor: Milagros Piñol
Group: Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (CLIP)
Student: Ester Maza Castán
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic: Procesamiento y caracterización de materiales para aplicaciones energéticas
Supervisor: Miguel Á. Laguna
Group: Procesado y Caracterización de Cerámicas Estructurales y Funcionales (ProCaCef)
Student: Rocío Vázquez Martínez
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic: Estudios teóricos y experimentales de la física de materiales y nanosistemas
Supervisor: José Mª de Teresa
Group: Nanofabricación y microscopías avanzadas (NANOMIDAS)
Student: Juan Ignacio Ocaña Parral
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic: Aplicaciones biológicas y biomédicas de biomateriales estructurales y nanopartículas
Supervisor: Mª Valeria Grazú
Group: Biofuncionalización de Nanopartículas y Superficies (BIONANOSURF)
Student: María Gracias Sanjoaquín
Type of interships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic: Estudio de materiales magnéticos de interés tecnológico
Supervisor: Cristina Piquer Oliet
Group: Multifunctional Molecular Magnetic Materials (M4)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
COURSE 2022/2023
Topic: A relatively little known and recently developed facet is the use of AI to solve mathematical problems. The last includes Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), Deep Operator Networks (DeepONet) and Fourier Neural Operator Networks (FNON), among others. In the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (INMA), which is a joint Institute between CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, we initiated several works in the use of these techniques to solve simple differential equations. Our aim here is to extend the possible applications of these techniques to physics and go into their mathematical basis.
Supervisors: Sergio Gutiérrez Rodrigo & Luis Martín Moreno
Group: Quantum Materials and Devices (Q-MAD)
Studen: Javier Colominas Villalba
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Tope: A relatively little known and recently developed facet is the use of AI to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) by means of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). This type of neural networks allows solving all types of differential equations, Our aim here is to continue this work going further simple differential equations, trying to solve the PDEs appearing in the problems our group is currently involved in the area of Nanophotonics, whether ordinary or partial, with one or several variables, single equations or systems of equations.
Supervisors: Sergio Gutiérrez Rodrigo & Luis Martín Moreno
Group: Quantum Materials and Devices (Q-MAD)
Student: Luis Medrano Navarro
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic: A relatively little known and recently developed facet is the use of AI as a means to surrogate a Mathematical Operator. The technique relies on the Universal Operator Approximation Theorem, which states that a neural network with a simple hidden layer can accurately approximate any nonlinear continuous operator. This theorem suggests the use of deep networks in learning continuous operators from data. In the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (INMA), which a joint Institute between CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, we initiated the study of mathematical operators to solve simple differential equations, in the context of a Final Degree Project. Our aim here is to continue this work going further simple differential equations, trying to solve the PDEs appearing in the problems our group is currently involved in the area of Nanophotonics.
Supervisors: Sergio Gutiérrez Rodrigo & Luis Martín Moreno
Group: Quantum Materials and Devices (Q-MAD)
Student: Javier Pardos Cardiel
Type of internships: JAE Intro ICU
Topic:Síntesis de copolímeros bloque con termorrespuesta basados en policarbonatos alifáticos y polietilenglicol combinando técnicas de polimerización controlada y pos-funcionalización mediante química click. Estudio de las propiedades de autoensamblado en agua, caracterización de los autoensamblados y evaluación de su potencial como nanotrasportadores para la liberación controlada de fármacos.
Supervisors: Milagros Piñol
Group: Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (CLIP)
Student: María Val-Carreres Castellote
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: The conjugation of inorganic and organic elements often allows obtaining materials with improved properties for applications in energy or catalysis, among others. Polyoxometalates (POM) – nanometric clusters of metal oxides (mainly W, Mo, and V) – are catalytic compounds that also stand out for their bioactive properties. These include antiviral, anticancer and antimicrobial properties. The biomedical application of POMs, in the form of cluster ions, hybrid materials and POM-based nanoparticles, has tripled in the last decade.
In this TFM we propose to carry out research with materials combining polypeptides with polyoxometalates to obtain antimicrobial materials with improved properties. On the one hand, the ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxyanhydrides of amino acids allows us to obtain, in a simple and fast way, polypeptides that emulate the characteristics of natural peptides.
The proposed work consists of the preparation of a series of polyoxometalate-polypeptide hybrids for which an amino group on a Wells Dawson polyoxometalate will be used to initiate the polymerization of the monomers (glutamic acid derivatives). The target molecules will have the character of macroamphiphiles and as such the structures they form in solution, their effect on catalytic activity (oxidation reactions), and their antimicrobial activity (against fungi and bacteria) will be studied.
During the work we will use synthesis techniques including the use of schlenk line and characterize polyoxometalate monomers and polymers by NMR, FTIR and mass spectrometry. For polymers, size exclusion chromatography will also be used. The prepared materials will also be studied for their behavior in solution by dynamic light scattering, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques, while the catalytic activity will be studied by colorimetric assays. The evaluation of antimicrobial activity against fungi and bacteria will be carried out through standardized microbiology assays, fluorescence techniques for the detection of ROS (e.g. DCFH), as well as the study of biofilm formation and its extracellular matrix (by means of crystal violet, SEM and TEM).
From a more general point of view there will be the opportunity to develop a small project, facing real laboratory research problems and learning how to manage them. The objective is that at the end of the course the student will be autonomous in the laboratory and will be able to select the most appropriate experimental techniques, as well as to analyze and interpret the results.
They will have opportunities to present the results of their research in group seminars and project meetings, and will receive any complementary training relevant to these aspects.
Supervisors: Scott Mitchell y Rafael Martín
Group: Bio-Funcionalización de Nano-Particulas y Superficies (bioNANOsurf)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Desarrollo y caracterización de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia y estabilidad basados en perovskita. Durante el proyecto, se optimizará el proceso de fabricación de las células solares en condiciones ambientales y se realizará un completo análisis composición-propiedades tanto de las capas individuales como de los dispositivos finales.
Supervisors: María Bernechea y Emilio Juárez
Group: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Óxidos porosos derivados de eutécticos obtenidos por fusión. Investigación de su microestructura, conducción iónica, estabilidad térmica y química en contacto con carbonatos fundidos. El estudiante estudiará la literatura previa relacionada; solidificará los materiales; realizará experimentos (conductividad, fases, microestructura, evolución); y evaluará la idoneidad de los materiales como membranas de CO2.
Supervisor: Rosa I. Merino
Group: Procesado y Caracterización de Cerámicas Estructurales y Funcionales (ProCaCef)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Óxidos porosos derivados de eutécticos obtenidos por fusión. Investigación de su microestructura, conducción iónica, estabilidad térmica y química en contacto con carbonatos fundidos. El estudiante estudiará la literatura previa relacionada; solidificará los materiales; realizará experimentos (conductividad, fases, microestructura, evolución); y evaluará la idoneidad de los materiales como membranas de CO2.
Supervisor: David Zueco
Group: Quantum Materials and Devices (QMD)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Síntesis de copolímeros bloque con termorrespuesta basados en policarbonatos alifáticos y polietilenglicol combinando técnicas de polimerización controlada y pos-funcionalización mediante química click. Estudio de las propiedades de autoensamblado en agua, caracterización de los autoensamblados y evaluación de su potencial como nanotrasportadores para la liberación controlada de fármacos.
Supervisor: Milagros Piñol
Group: Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (CLIP)
Student: María Val-Carreres Castellote
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Topic: Óxidos porosos derivados de eutécticos obtenidos por fusión. Investigación de su microestructura, conducción iónica, estabilidad térmica y química en contacto con carbonatos fundidos. El estudiante estudiará la literatura previa relacionada; solidificará los materiales; realizará experimentos (conductividad, fases, microestructura, evolución); y evaluará la idoneidad de los materiales como membranas de CO2.
Supervisor: Rosa I. Merino
Group: Procesado y Caracterización de Cerámicas Estructurales y Funcionales (ProCaCef)
Student: unassigned
Type of internships: Programa PI2
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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