
Your research in a Podcast

On 12 and 13 December 2023, all members of the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA, a joint institute of CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, met in the Rioja Room of the Patio de la Infanta (Zaragoza), in order to publicize and highlight the capabilities of the institute, create synergies and establish new collaborations.

During the meeting took place the session “Tu investigación en un podcast” in which several predoctoral researchers of the Institute told all attendees what they are working on in the development of their doctoral theses. Below you can listen to the interviews conducted during this session.

Maria Alleva

Maria Alleva is working with nanoparticles to enable drugs to be delivered to the brain intranasally.

Inés Tejedor

I make thin films of different materials for different apps trying to use the minimum amount of material. On the one hand, my materials are porous and serve to adsorb gases. Other materials are magnetic and can be used for cooling at very low temperatures.

Giusy Tommasini

My work is to investigate the biological interaction of new organic or inorganic nanomaterials with living systems. In addition, I am involved in evaluating the possibility of developing new nanomedicine strategies for tissue regeneration and bioelectronics.

Isabel Ciria

The photorechargeable Li-ion batteries can be very useful for use in small devices that need to be independent of the central power grid.

Furqan Mohammad

Furqan Mohammad tries to explore the properties of new nanomaterials at their atomic levels to analyze their application properties in different aspects of Nanoscience.

Antonio Luna

Development of analytical biosensors with thermal activation for the development of a technique for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

Vídeos creación del Instituto

Vídeo 1. Summary of INMA’s scientific activity (March 14th 2021)

Vídeo 2. Presentation of INMA to the media (March 24th 2021)

Informative documentaries

Materials science has been one of the great changes of the 20th century and opens a window of immense possibilities for the future. This has great implications in our daily life, has changed our behavior, has improved our welfare, and has generated new challenges that we must face. The outreach project “Play Tools” aims to bring this materials science, and especially the research work currently being carried out by different research groups of the Institute of Materials Science of Aragon, to society in general and to secondary and high school students in particular.


Helium is everything.

This is the story of an exciting round trip between Zaragoza and Leiden, where liquid helium was first created and where it is now produced with our new technology. It is a success story, where the results of scientific research have been patented and transferred to industry, thus benefiting society as a whole.


Materials have changed our lives since the beginning of time. So much so that historians have used different materials to name the ages of man, the stone age, the iron age, the bronze age… In the 20th century it will surely go down in history as the age of semiconductors or plastics, but what will be the material that will change our lives in the 21st century? We can’t know now, but whatever it is, it won’t come out of nowhere, it is currently being developed in research laboratories. The documentary takes us on a journey through different research centers in search of the supermaterial that will give a name to the 21st century.

Our Institute, in its work of dissemination and promotion of scientific culture in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, has made the documentary project “Nanotechnology, the future is already here” in which, through three episodes, presents the progress of its research in the field of Nanotechnology and real applications in everyday consumer products.

This project has been organized by our Institute and funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the SAMCA Nanotechnology Chair of the University of Zaragoza.



Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involve the study, manipulation and control of matter at the nanometer scale and are present in many aspects of our lives. Cell phones, computers, MP3 players, hygiene and beauty products, sports equipment, textiles that do not stain, repel water, etc. use nanotechnology. When the size of certain materials is reduced to the nanometer scale, they acquire new properties. Nanoparticles are especially attractive for use in biomedicine and biotechnology because of their small dimensions, they could travel through our circulatory system and interact with the cells of our tissues and organs. Moreover, in principle, if the nanoparticles are magnetic, it is possible to move them by means of a magnetic field to the desired location.

“Cápsulas de nanotecnología” is an audiovisual content project, promoted by the SAMCA Chair of the University of Zaragoza for the dissemination and promotion of research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

This project has been funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the SAMCA Chair of Nanotechnology of the University of Zaragoza, whose director is Jesús Santamaría Ramiro.

The project consists of ten episodes in videopodcast format with an approximate duration of four to five minutes.


Outreach activities


UV Marking Project.

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