Scholarships and grants

INMA offers several scholarship and grant programs to promote the scientific career of undergraduate, Master or PhD students with initiative to enter the world of research in nanoscience and materials science.

Each grant program offers the possibility of joining a research group to learn about the research developed and to start a professional career dedicated to research in the business, academic and institutional fields.

If you are interested in any of the scholarships or grants mentioned below to develop your scientific career at the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon, you can contact directly with the research groups or researchers who develop scientific tasks related to your interests.

The following are some of the available grants and fellowships with access to the official web pages with more information.

Scholarships and grants for PhD students

Scholarships and grants for undergraduate and master’s degree students

FPI Grants

Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors. These grants are funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation for the training of doctors and are associated with research projects developed in INMA research groups.

FPU Grants

Grants for university teacher training. These grants are financed by the Ministry of Universities for obtaining a PhD degree and acquiring university teaching skills.

Pre-doctoral contracts of the Government of Aragon

Contracts funded by the Government of Aragon to promote the hiring of doctoral students at INMA, under the modality of pre-doctoral contract.

MSCA - European Union

One of the objectives of the European Union's "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions" program is the training of doctoral students through the funding of predoctoral contracts.

UNIVERSA internship

This type of internship allows Bachelor's or Master's degree students to work within the framework of a research group at INMA.

PI2 Program

Carrying out university internships for talented students for their initiation to research at INMA. The PI2 program funding by the INMA is limited to the realization of TFMs in the framework of extracurricular practices in research activities PEX.

Collaboration scholarships

These collaboration scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and aimed at undergraduate and Master's degree students are intended to initiate a scientific career by carrying out research tasks in university departments.

SAMCA Chair Scholarships

Becas para estudiantes del Máster en Materiales Nanoestructurados para Aplicaciones Nanotecnológicas - NANOMAT.

JAE Grants Intro

These introductory research grants offered by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) are aimed at final year undergraduate and master's degree students.

JAE Intro ICU Grants

Introductory research grants offered by the INMA for undergraduate and Master's students with the aim of initiating them into a scientific career, giving them the opportunity to learn about the professional opportunities offered by the CSIC Institutes in different scientific areas.

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