General public

One of the objectives of INMA is to reach the general public the research conducted at INMA and achieve greater interest in science and greater knowledge of the research carried out at the Institute.

INMA develops different activities aimed at the general public. Such as: science fairs (FeNANOmenos), contests (Hi-Score), Escape Rooms (The Titan Rescue). In addition, our researchers participate in activities for the general public such as science in the bars (de Copas con Ciencia) or the Researchers’ Night among many others.

Below is a list of activities that are currently being carried out.

Hi Score Science is a free, ad-free science quiz game in English and Spanish, with French and Basque versions, for mobile devices, iOS and Android – and for PC, Mac and Linux -, whose objective is to increase the scientific culture of its users in a funny way, by bringing the science with which we live daily closer to the players.
Hi Score Science is not only a multi-choice question-and-answer game about science, but it also allows the players to immerse themselves in the science and its advances thanks to this project developed by two research centers: the Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (ISQCH) and the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA) -both of them, mixed centers between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)-. Therefore, and since it is an outreach project developed by two research centers, the game includes educational explanations of the scientific reality which is hidden behind each response, seeking to awake people’s curiosity for science. We also want users to feel part of the project and that’s why they are encouraged to collaborate in the development of the scientific content of the game, for what they will be rewarded. To this end, three national competitions have been created: a junior competition for primary school students, a youth competition for secondary school, and a senior competition for students over 18 years of age, as well as an on-line National Absolute league.
Type of audience: general, primary, secondary, and high school.
Dates: September 2022 to June 2023
Associated activities: videogames, themed gymkhanas (general science, SDGs and women scientists), exhibitions, fairs, creation of the scientific content of the game, on-line competition.
DESCRIPTION: Cycle of conferences to promote and raise awareness of spin-off companies related to Nanotechnology. The conferences take place regularly on the last Thursday of each month “Thursday’s Nano-Spinoff Talks”, with the assistance of researchers and students of the Master in Nanoscience of the University of Zaragoza. In the talks we want to present companies in different fields and development studies..
FINANCING: Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología
DATES: active
DESCRIPTON: NanoRural is a scientific dissemination project of the joint centre between the CSIC and the University of Aragon’s Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA,, Zaragoza, to bring science to rural areas in a fun, educational and accessible way. To this end, INMA is bringing a small travelling fair designed for all audiences and with a large number of scientific demonstrations that include materials with shape memory, liquid crystals, magnetic fields and light polarisers, which bring the materials of the future closer to those attending.
FINANCING: Cuenta la Ciencia, Fundación General del CSIC
DATES: active
DESCRIPTION: It is a transversal approach because the emphasis is not always on nanoscience but rather an interpretation of it from the perspective of each of the five senses. This opens the context beyond research and science, mixes it with the everyday, the personal and the perceptive so that it is easier to penetrate a citizen far from science due to the experiential component.
DATES: 2018-2019 (permanent exhibition at present)
PUBLIC: general public
RELATES ACTIVITIES: scientific experience box, permanent exhibition (Edificio I+D+i)
DESCRIPTION: Project that merges science and art. Exhibition of paintings representing various research topics in Nanoscience.
DATES: active
PUBLIC: general public
DESCRIPTION: “The Titan’s Rescue” is an ingenuity game in which participants, in teams, must solve a case. To do so, they will have to decipher different ingenuity tests, many of them related to nanoscience. This scientific adventure, designed for schoolchildren from 14 years of age and the general public, lasts 40 minutes and combines elements of gymkhana, role-playing and “escape room” in which participants experiment, learn nanoscience, deduce from our research results and do live science to overcome tests and achieve the goal: rescue the Titan. The participants, playing in teams, must be able to solve the different clues that a thief has left for his accomplice in order to open the hiding place containing his loot: the valuable TITAN microscope.
The main objective has been to arouse interest in science, its knowledge, its development and the results of research through fun, bringing science and innovation closer to the general public from the age of 13, from a close and everyday point of view.
DATES: active
AWARDS: FECYT Catalog of Best Practices 2017

The Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Aragón (ESCYRA) y el Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA (CSIC-UNIZAR) propose a journey through time with a workshop on the restoration and conservation of the sarcophagus and a cat mummy, where you can experiment with the various leading scientific techniques used in professional conservation and restoration in a fun and entertaining way.

This activity is recommended for children from 10 to 15 years old, but it is suitable for all kinds of adult audiences as well.

Dates: active


Description: “De Copas Con Ciencia” is an initiative that aims to satisfy the scientific curiosity of the general public in a relaxed, entertaining and fun way during leisure time by taking it to the bars. The activity is aimed at the entire population with scientific curiosity without the need for specific training in science and aims to be a meeting point for science lovers in order to facilitate the creation of scientific debates between experts and the general public.
The activity, with free admission, takes place periodically on the last Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm at El Sótano Mágico, Calle San Pablo 43, Zaragoza ( During these sessions, topics related to chemistry and materials science such as nanotechnology, environment, crystallography, physics, space, etc. will be discussed.
The activity is an initiative of the research institutes INMA (Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon) and ISQCH (Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis), both joint centers CSIC – University of Zaragoza.

Audience type: adults

Type of activity: informative talks/monologues in bars

Dates: October 2022 – June 2023


Description: The aim of this series of talks is to present from the hand of professionals the scientific advances that are constantly changing our environment.

The cycle of talks “Chateando con la ciencia” is organized by the Real Zaragoza Tennis Club with the collaboration of the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA (CSIC-University of Zaragoza) and is repeated periodically on the third Thursday of each month in online version through the Zoom platform.

Audience type: adults

Type of activity: informative talks in on-line mode via zoom platform.

Dates: October 2022 – June 2023


The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the work done by women scientists in order to close the gender gap in science. Our centre has been participating in this initiative since its beginnings in 2016, with workshops, talks in schools, round tables and other varied and numerous activities.


The Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), together with the Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea (ISQCH), the Asociación Benasque Conciencia and the Centro de Ciencias Pedro Pascual, organise the annual Semana de la Ciencia Valle de Benasque, which takes place in November at the Science Center of Benasque Pedro Pascual. This project seeks to bring science to rural areas, which find it more difficult to access outreach activities.

During one week the aim is to bring science to the Benasque Valley (Huesca) with different activities aimed at all audiences such as outreach talks by renowned researchers, practical activities aimed at students of the Colegio Rural Agrupado Alta Ribagorza as experiments on chemistry and physics, Hi Score Science contests that aims to bring science to the world of the youngest based on video games and new technologies, gymkhanas, “Escape Room” games, film screenings, monologues and theater among others.


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