Success in attracting talent via Marie Curie Postdoctoral Actions in INMA’s NLDM group
The Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) ( are prestigious and highly competitive (less than 15% success rate) European Union postdoctoral fellowships that fund excellent research and provide postdoctoral researchers from all over the world with a pathway to training and professional development that will give them a significant boost to their careers.
Nanoscopy on Low Dimensional Materials (NLDM) Group at the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), a joint institute of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, led by the ARAID researcher
Dr. Raúl Arenal, has obtained three of these postdoctoral fellowships in the last calls. With them, three postdoctoral researchers from different countries and continents have been incorporated or retained in the group:
Dr. Simon Hettler (Germany),
Dr. Teobaldo Torres Molina (from a centre in Argentina and a native of Venezuela) and Dr. Abhijit Roy (India).
“PROMISES” project (European Council H2020 – 889546), developed by Dr. Simon Hettler, aims at the detailed investigation of the structural (atomic level) and optoelectronic properties of new composite nanostructures of misfit laminar structures.
The main objective of the
“MagGraphZyme” project (European Council HORIZON – 101068591), which is being carried out by
Dr. Teobaldo Torres Molina, is to achieve behaviour similar to that of biological enzymes, with greater long-term stability, enabling more effective tumour treatments, via the use of magnetic nanoparticles coated with graphene oxide and functionalised.
“HotElecTEM” project (European Council HORIZON – 101109165), which will be developed by
Dr. Abhijit Roy and which will begin at the end of the year, will consist of the study of plasmonic nanostructures and the evaluation of their efficiency as photocatalysts.
These three projects have in common the study of nanomaterials via transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These microscopic and spectroscopic investigations are carried out at the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA), University of Zaragoza, of which they are all members.
El proyecto “PROMISES” (European Council H2020 – 889546), desarrollado por el Dr. Simon Hettler, tiene por objeto la investigación detallada de las propiedades estructurales (a nivel atómico) y optoelectrónicas de nuevas nanoestructuras de compuestos de estructuras laminares desajustadas (“misfit”).
El objetivo principal del proyecto “MagGraphZyme” (European Council HORIZON – 101068591), que está llevando a cabo el Dr. Teobaldo Torres Molina es lograr comportamientos similares al de enzimas biológicas, con una mayor estabilidad a largo plazo, que permitan tratamientos tumorales más efectivos, vía el uso de nanopartículas magnéticas recubiertas con oxido de grafeno y funcionalizadas.
El proyecto “HotElecTEM” (European Council HORIZON – 101109165), que desarrollará el Dr. Abhijit Roy y que comenzará a finales de año, consistirá en el estudio de nanoestructuras plasmónicas y la evaluación de su eficiencia como fotocatalizadores.
These three projects have in common the study of nanomaterials via transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These microscopic and spectroscopic investigations are carried out at the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA), University of Zaragoza, of which they are all members.