The seventh edition of FEnanoMENOS, the nanoscience fair for schoolchildren, has already selected its 15 finalist projects. For the first time and after six years of success, this project organised by the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon, INMA (CSIC-University of Zaragoza), is being held at a national level, thus expanding its dissemination and the number of participating schools.
A total of 60 school groups have submitted short videos on a phenomenon related to nanoscience. A total of 15 finalist projects have been selected from all of them (between the two existing categories: Secondary Education and Special Education).
The aim of this project is to bring participants closer to nanoscience by trying to encourage their vocation for science and innovation, and to make them feel like real researchers for a few days. It also seeks to promote values such as teamwork, cooperation and creativity, without forgetting of course to try to encourage female participation, trying to get girls to lead the teams.
The finalist groups, whose project presentation can be seen on the official FEnanoMENOS website (https://www.fenanomenos.com/participantes2022/), are the following:
– Colegio La Inmaculada: project “Energy glass”.
– Clara Campoamor Secondary School: “Ecored” project.
– IES Sagrado Corazón Moncayo Secondary School: “Nanotonin” project.
– CEE. San Martín de Porres (Atades): project “Eliminating barriers”.
– San Viator: project “Nanoscience 2”.
– IES Thiar: project “Detectodrogo”.
– IES Joaquín Costa: project “Breathin nanostructures, breathing life”.
– Nuestra Señora del Carmen: project “Danger, C-O2-litas!
– Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: project “Self-disinfecting garments for hospital use”.
– Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: project “The chrome-intelligent cable”.
– Colegio La Salle Montemolín: project “Nanoscience in Alzheimer’s”.
– IES Cabañas: project “Nanoadvertencias”.
– IES Domingo Miral: project “Nanoplastics”.
– María Auxiliadora School: project “Deep Sleep”.
– Colegio Ramón y Cajal: project “Proyecta”.
In this last phase, the finalist groups develop their research work on a chosen phenomenon in an interactive way and will exhibit it on the day of the fair. At this stage, the participants are advised by research staff from INMA or CSIC institutes with experience in nanoscience research and dissemination. This figure is the “nano-mentor”, a researcher representing women in the scientific field, to strengthen the vocation among the youngest.
During the fair, which will be held in May this year, the finalists will show the final result of their projects. In addition, and with the aim of bringing nanoscience closer to other groups, live demonstrations and nanoscience workshops will also be held during the fair.
Finally, in June, the III Gala de Nanociencia, organised by the Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología, University of Zaragoza, will be held as a novelty at the end of the project. A fun event in which the winners of the final FEnanoMENOS fair will take part, as well as different professionals from the fields of humour, music, graphic artists, actors and facilitators.