The Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología launches the INMAGINA Award to fund disruptive ideas in nanotechnology from young researchers at the University of Zaragoza
The winning project will receive a grant of €20,000 to support the development of the idea for a period of 1 year
The Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología supports and encourages research projects in different technological lines in the field of nanotechnology. The INMAGINA award aims to recognise and promote research into new ideas that seek to solve challenges in different fields: energy, environment, polymers, communications and health. This call aims to promote or stimulate quality projects in new lines of research, development and innovation at the University of Zaragoza. The award aims to boost the careers of young researchers, who often find it difficult to find funding and get their ideas off the ground. The idea will be novel and will be linked to the project or projects that the researcher is carrying out in the field of his or her research activity.
The jury will be made up of the following people:
– Director of the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón or person delegated by him/her.
– Director of the company SAMCA
– Director of Research and Development of the company SAMCA or person delegated by him/her.
– Director of the SAMCA Chair or person delegated by him/her.
– A person of recognised professional prestige from outside the Chair and chosen by the Committee after considering the applications.
The Prize will consist of one thousand euros (1,000 Euros) and a commemorative gift. The amount of the prize will be reduced, if applicable, by the corresponding withholding tax in accordance with current tax legislation. In addition, the winning project will receive a grant of €20,000 to support the development of the idea for a period of 1 year. This money will be managed through the SAMCA Nanotechnology Chair and will be distributed in two amounts, €15,000 at the beginning and €5,000 after the presentation of a report of results in a meeting with the components of the SAMCA Nanotechnology Chair.
Young researchers and a group of collaborators led by the young researcher and meeting the following conditions are eligible for the award:
Young researcher with a postdoctoral experience of between 1 and 10 years since obtaining the PhD degree. This period may be extended in the case of researchers who have been in charge of children or dependent family members during this period.
The research leader must have a postdoctoral contract at the University of Zaragoza, non-permanent and with a maximum duration of 36 months and a minimum of 15 months from the time of application.
The following may take part in the research
– The teaching and research staff of the University of Zaragoza.
– Staff integrated in other organisations, with the authorisation of the corresponding legal representative being necessary.
– Under no circumstances will trainee staff not under the direction or responsibility of the PI, third cycle students or administrative and service staff of the University of Zaragoza form part of the research.
– No member of the research team may appear in more than one application.
– At least one of the researchers must be attached to INMA.
Innovative idea that explores new foundations for the development of new technologies, exploring unknown regions.
The Jury will assess the originality of the idea, the areas in which it applies and the challenges that the idea is intended to solve and the track record of the researchers.
The submission of applications and the awarding of the prize will be governed by the following deadlines.
a) Submission of candidatures and applications through the form available on the Chair’s website between 14 March and 14 April 2023. Only applications received within the established deadline will be accepted.
b) The Jury will issue its decision on 26 May 2023, coinciding with the Nanoscience Gala, where the award will be presented.
b) El Jurado emitirá el fallo resolutorio el día 26 de Mayo de 2023 coincidiendo con la Gala de de la Nanociencia, donde se hará entrega del premio.