Webinar on International Researchers in Spain – INMA Equality Commission

Webinar on International Researchers in Spain – INMA Equality Commission

The INMA Equality Commission invites you to a short webinar on International Researchers in Spain on Wednesday 24th April at 11:00 via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/94977243075?pwd=U1piRlZzY0EwWDA5K0pwbkRYNnBGZz09. ID de reunión: 949 7724 3075 – Código de acceso: 085191)

Most of us are keenly aware that researcher mobility represents a key feature – and often one of the main requirements – for obtaining Spanish research fellowships and funding. However, internationalisation in Spain remains low compared to its European counterparts. The internationalisation of Spanish higher education workforce is, on average, below 1%. According to the Spanish Ministry of Universities, in 2022 Spain had an international teaching staff of 3.4%, Germany 10.5% and the United Kingdom 27.3%. This is perhaps one of the most important barriers to internationalisation that has remained consistently below average.  One of the key barriers is the requirement for the accreditation of international undergraduate and postgraduate degrees that are usually required of international candidates for teaching or research positions in Spain. The internationalisation of research is another area where Spain still lags behind other countries, although there has been a notable effort to internationalise teams and thus research results. If the gap is particularly high in the case of teaching and research staff, it is no less so for the percentage of international workers in administrative positions.

This webinar aims to shed light on some of the key socioeconomic barriers, administrative constraints, and vulnerable circumstances that international researchers experience to begin and continue their careers at Spanish universities and research institutions. The debate will be built around the perspective of international predoctoral, postdoctoral, and senior research staff at INMA, as well as from an administrative standpoint.


Apr 24 2024


11:00 - 12:00

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