INMA Impulso seminar: Luis Roso

INMA Impulso Seminar: The ultra short pulsed lasers ultra intense: dense light – Luis Roso
Luis Roso, from the Centre for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) and Professor of Physics at the University of Salamanca will offer on Wednesday 11 May the conference entitled: “The ultra-short pulsed lasers ultra intense: dense light”.
The session will take place next Wednesday 11 May at 12 noon in the Sala de Grados of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zaragoza.
The consolidation of CPA (Chirped Pulse Amplification) technology has enabled a revolution in the performance of pulsed lasers. Extraordinary progress is being made at two frontiers, ultra-short pulses and ultra-intense pulses.
Petawatt lasers are now a reality (in Spain we have one operational in the near-infrared) and are the gateway to a number of unexpected applications such as particle accelerators, dense plasma physics and nuclear fusion. Not to mention new emerging applications such as: pulses with orbital angular momentum at extreme intensities; relativistic ponderomotive cavitation as a way to have the most extreme vacuums ever achieved; and even a possible way to obtain information about dark matter.
In addition, the Salamanca petawatt laser is an ICTS open to all researchers.


May 11 2022


12:00 - 14:00

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