De Copas Con Ciencia returns to El Sótano Mágico
De Copas Con Ciencia returns to El Sótano Mágico
De copas con ciencia is an initiative of the research institutes, ISQCH, Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea, and INMA, Instituto Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, both joint centres of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, which aims to satisfy the scientific curiosity of the general public in a relaxed, entertaining and fun way during leisure time by bringing it to the bars. The activity, which returns to the Sótano Mágico after the break caused by the pandemic, is aimed at everyone with a scientific curiosity, from high school students to senior citizens and people without specific training in science.
After the success of the first four editions, next Thursday, 25th November, the fifth season will begin, which, as a novelty, is open to the participation of science talks given by secondary school teachers. The session, with free admission, will take place on 25th November, at 20:00 hours, in the Magic Basement, Calle San Pablo 43, Zaragoza ( and will be repeated periodically on the last Thursday of each month. During these sessions, topics related to chemistry and materials science such as nanotechnology, superconductivity, the environment, the world of crystals, space, etc. will be discussed.
The first session will feature:
– “Last night a DJ talked to me about science” – María Bernechea, INMA researcher.
During her presentation, María Berbenecha proposes the challenge of introducing us to new scientific concepts through pop songs. In this case, we will discover the science hidden in the album “Unknown Pleasures” by Joy Division.
María Bernechea is a chemist and PhD from the University of La Rioja. She is currently an ARAID researcher at the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), CSIC-University of Zaragoza. Her research focuses on the development of nanomaterials for use in clean processes and energy.
– Learning to eat, a pending subject – Pedro Soto, Colegio Santo Domingo de Silos, Zaragoza
What role do education and learning play in our eating behaviour? In this talk we will look at the importance of education in establishing our eating habits. We will also talk about the research perspective on eating behaviour, as well as give practical examples of how to use this experience to work with adolescents in secondary school classrooms.
Pedro Soto has a degree in Biology from the University of Granada and has always been involved in popularising science at different levels. He has worked as a science animator at the Science Park in Granada, teaching science to all its visitors. At the research level, he has participated as a collaborator in the Laboratory of Physical Anthropology at the University of Granada, working on lines of research related to the assessment of the nutritional status and eating habits of children in Andalusia. He is currently a teacher of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate at the Colegio O.D. Santo Domingo de Silos, in Zaragoza, participating in numerous projects of technological transition and scientific dissemination at school level.
In addition, during the session there will be a face-to-face Hi Score Science competition, aimed at the general public, which will reward the scientific knowledge acquired by those attending the session.
Hi Score Science is a game of questions and answers about science, in Spanish and English, for mobile devices, iOS and Android, which is developed between the two research institutes, the ISQCH and INMA, which allows to include explanations of the scientific reality behind each of the answers. The game can be downloaded free of charge and without advertising in the Apple Store and Play Store and for Windows, iOS and Linux at In addition, the application allows users to participate in the project by sending us their own questions via a dedicated website All questions received and finally published will retain the authorship of the person who submitted the question. Hi Score Science has received the first prize in the international contest of Science in Action in the category “Science Teaching Materials in Interactive Support” (IBM Award), the D+I TOP SEAL, a national recognition that rewards the best projects of INCLUSIVE SCIENTIFIC DISCLOSURE and has been nominated for the PREMIOS TERCER MILENIO in the category “Divulgación en Aragón” (Dissemination in Aragón).