Chateando con la Ciencia: Fernando Valladares

We finish the VI season of Chatting with Science with Fernando Valladares

On Thursday 16 June we have the last session of the 6th season of the “Chatting with Science” series of talks, and we do it as it deserves, with Professor Fernando Valladares, who, for years, has been in the top 1% of the world’s most cited scientists in his speciality. He is a true world eminence in ecology and climate change. He is also an excellent communicator. Valladares will give a lecture entitled: “Environmental crisis and the necessary change so that nothing changes”.

We have been chaining crises for decades. And we will not stop doing so until we understand that the economic, health, social or military crises are only manifestations of the real underlying crisis: the environmental crisis. Climate change, loss of biodiversity and different forms of pollution are what really threaten people’s well-being and lives. Pandemics and wars are only a reflection of the loss of species or the overexploitation of water or oil. The trigger is our toxic relationship with nature that manifests itself in an unsustainable socio-economic model. Something has to change so that what is important will only change for the better. It is a collective task, which affects us all. The ecosystem is not concerned about climate change, but we are. The survival of our way of life is at stake. The good news is that we know how to do it. The question is whether we want to.

Fernando Valladares ( holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a research professor at the CSIC, where he heads the Ecology and Global Change group at the National Museum of Natural Sciences. He is also an associate professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. He has published more than 450 scientific articles and books in ecology and plant biology being a highly cited scientist in the area of Ecology and Environment (he is since 2016 among the 1% most cited scientists in the world with an H-index of 85).

He is currently Vice-President of the Iberian Society of Ecology. His research has focused on the impacts of global change on terrestrial ecosystems and on the mechanisms of tolerance and survival to extreme environmental conditions. He is a weekly contributor to numerous media outlets, actively disseminates science directly on a daily basis through his “The Health of Humanity” channels on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, is responsible for the Critical Science section of and writes regularly for various newspapers such as The Conversation-Spain.

He has received numerous national and international awards. Among them, in 2021 he received the Jaume I Award in the category of Environmental Protection and the BBVA Foundation Environmental Communication Award. His concern for the environmental crisis has led him to actively disseminate information on the environmental crisis in various media and on his channel La Salud de la Humanidad on social networks. More details of his curriculum including his informative production can be found on his website:

The series of talks Chatting for Science is organised by the RReal Zaragoza Club de Tenis, with the collaboration of the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza). In order to access the talk, it is necessary to request an access code to the following email address: before 14 June 2022.

Cartel anunciador


Chateando con la Ciencia


Jun 16 2022


19:00 - 20:00

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