Home » investigadores » Subías Peruga, Gloria
Facultad de Ciencias - Edificio A
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009, Zaragoza
Télefono. 976 76 10 00; ext: 842418
Email. gloria@unizar.es
Científico Titular del CSIC desde 21/07/2008, en el
grupo de Investigación «Radiación Sincrotrón y Materiales: Investigación básica y Aplicaciones (RASMIA)«.
Últimas reseñas
Participación en proyecto: RTI2018-098537-B-C22
Descripción: I obtained my PhD in Physics (special award) in 2000 with a thesis entitled «Local geometric and electronic structure of mixed-valent oxides: magnetite and manganese perovskites» performed at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA) from CSIC-University of Zaragoza under the supervision of Prof. Joaquín García Ruiz. After a 3-year postdoctoral position at the European Synchrotron ESRF (Grenoble, France) as researcher at the x-ray absorption spectroscopy beam line, I joined ICMA again as researcher within the «Ramon y Cajal program» in 2003 and since 2008, I am tenure scientist at INMA (former ICMA).
My research lines focus on strongly correlated transition-metal mixed oxides with unique physical properties such as giant magnetoresistance, metal-insulator transitions coupled with charge-orbital-spin orders and recently, new potential multiferroic materials. I am specialized in the use of large scale facilities with special relevance in synchrotron radiation techniques: high-resolution x-ray diffraction; x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonant x-ray scattering. The later, I started to develop during my PhD thesis, being our research group nowadays a reference both national and internationally.
My scientific production includes the participation in 14 research projects; 134 publications (total citations of 2931), 98 of them correspond to scientific journals in Q1 with h-index=28 (Scopus). I participated in more than 60 projects at international synchrotron radiation facilities (ESRF, Soleil, Diamond, Elettra, BESSY II, ALBA and Spring-8) and I presented contributions in more than 100 national and international conferences (11 invited lectures). I was chair of the IX AUSE congress and IV ALBA User’s meeting (Barcelona, 2019).
Regarding my management and research evaluation tasks: I am member of the Management Committee of the Spanish Synchrotron Radiation User Association (AUSE) since 2011, currently as President (2017-2021); I was member of the Management Committee of the European action COST MP1306 (2014-2018); I was appointed as member of the Review Committee C04 for evaluation of proposals and the BM23/ID24 beamline review panel at the European synchrotron ESRF (2015-2020) and at present, I am part of the Elettra Synchrotron Review panel S «Hard Condensed Matter: Structures» and the Register of Scientific Experts at MIUR (Italy) for scientific evaluation of research projects.
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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