Laguna Bercero, Miguel Ángel

Personal Científico Titular CSIC

Nº ORCID: 0000-0002-7819-8956

Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Edificio Torres Quevedo

C/María de Luna, 3, 50018, Zaragoza

Télefono. 976 76 10 00; ext: 842618



Tenured Scientist at CSIC since 27/04/2021. Distinguished Researcher at CSIC since 01/08/2016, at the research group «PROCACEF«.


Research interests

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; High Temperature Electrolysis; Solid State Batteries; Membranes; Photocalysis; Materials Science; Laser Processing; Electrochemistry.


Highlighted publications:

Advanced Oxygen electrodes fof SOCs
3D Corrugated interfaces by laser machining for SOCs
Nickelates for SOCs
Review on high temperature electrolysis

Google Scholar profile


Current projects as PI:

Project title: 3D PROCESSING OF ADVANCED SOLID STATE IONICS ENERGY DEVICES (3DPASSION); Funder entity: MICINN Retos PID2019-107106RB-C32; Participants: INMA, CIC Energigune, IREC; Duration: 01/07/2020-31/06/2023; Budget INMA: 202.000 €


Project title: ELECTRODOS MESOPOROSOS FABRICADOS POR NANOCASTING PARA SU INTEGRACION EN PILAS DE COMBUSTIBLE DE OXIDO SOLIDO Y ELECTROLIZADORES AVANZADOS; Funder entity: CSIC COOPA20437; Participants: INMA, Universidad de Córdoba (Argentina); Duration: 01/01/2021-31/12/2022. Budget INMA: 24.000 €


Project title: Desarrollo electrolizador SOEC (LIA3: Generación de hidrógeno a alta temperatura a partir de energí­a renovable). Funder entity: MICINN Planes Complementarios CCAA; Participants: INMA, CENER, UCM, San Pablo-CEU; Duration: 20/11/2021-19/11/2024; Budget INMA: 983.584 €

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