Home » investigadores » Evangelisti Crespo, Marco
Facultad de Ciencias - Edificio A
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009, Zaragoza
Télefono. 842458
Email. evange@unizar.es
Web. https://personal.unizar.es/evange/
I am a senior staff scientist at INMA, within the Spanish National Research Council, and I am affiliated to the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Zaragoza.
I hold a Laurea (Bachelor’s degree) from the University of Camerino (1996) and a joint PhD degree awarded by the Universities of Leiden and Zaragoza (2001). I worked at the University of Leiden (2001-2004) and the CNR Institute of Nanoscience in Modena (2004-2009), before joining INMA as a `Ramón y Cajal´ CSIC Fellow. I tenured as a CSIC scientist in 2010.
I am an experimental physicist with a keen interest in caloric and/or quantum materials, as well as in the development of advanced instrumentation.
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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