Home » investigadores » Badía Majos, Antonio
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Edificio Torres Quevedo
C/María de Luna, 3, 50018, Zaragoza
Télefono. 976 76 10 00; ext: 842396
Email. anabadia@unizar.es
Web. http://personal.unizar.es/anabadia/
I received my PhD degree in Physics in 1993 at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). My dissertation dealt with the «Dynamics of Magnetic Flux in type-II Superconductors». Subsequently, I spent a postdoctoral period at the University of Göttingen (Germany). Next, back at the University of Zaragoza, I gained a position as a Lecturer for the Condensed Matter Physics Department in 1995.
Altogether, I have developed my research career as a member of the Aragón Material Science Institute (ICMA). Currently, I belong to the Department of Material Physics and Nanosystems at the INMA. My basic research topics have concerned superconducting materials, mainly contributing to a number of phenomenological theories as the Critical State Model. My research methods rely on a variety of tools in Mathematical Physics.
I have maintained research collaborations with a number of international research centers, coauthoring works with numerous colleagues. In particular, I have co-worked with scientists at: McGill University (Canada), the Bariloche Atomic Center (Argentina), the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) and the Ecòle Polythechnique of Paris (France).
To the moment, I have authored 67 research articles in indexed journals and have attended numerous conferences, being an invited speaker in 5 occasions. Recently, I supervised a PhD thesis on Numerical Methods in Applied Superconductivity.
I contribute as a reviewer in 18 international journals and worked as an technical editor for one of them.
I have produced some some outreach materials mainly about superconductivity, that have been published in different venues, such as local press, and international dedicated journals. Also, I have designed interactive applications for the dissemination of scientific research through intuitive software.
My teaching activities have focused on Introductory General Physics for various Scientific and Technical University degrees (Engineering and Mathematics). Also, I have contributed to the doctoral courses in Physics.
As concerns the academic management tasks, I was appointed as the Academic Secretary of the Engineering School of the University of Zaragoza for five years. At present I act as the Academic Secretary of the Condensed Matter Physics Department and as a member of the University cloister of professors.
In several occasions, I have joined national and international panels of project evaluators.
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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