Home » RESEARCH » INMA large scientific facilities » CEQMA Scientific-Technical Services » Thermal Analysis Service
The Thermal Analysis Service comprises a range of techniques to analyse thermal behavior of materials, studying the changes in a material property as a function of the temperature, either on heating/cooling cycle or isothermally, when measuring in a controlled atmosphere.
Phone: +34 976 76 22 64
Postal address
Centro de Química y Materiales de Aragón
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12
50009 Zaragoza
Technical Staff
Lorena Torné
1. TA Instruments Q5000IR TGA equipment for TGA measurements in nitrogen atmosphere or air heated up to a maximum temperature of 700 °C.
2. TA Instruments SDT650 simultaneous TGA/DSC equipment, for TGA or TGA/DSC measurements by heating in nitrogen atmosphere or air up to a maximum temperature of 900 ºC.
3. TA Instruments SDT2960 TGA equipment for TGA measurements by heating in nitrogen atmosphere or air up to a maximum temperature of 900 ºC.
4. TA Instruments Q20 DSC equipment, for heat flow measurements with heating and/or cooling cycles in a temperature range between -50 ºC and 250 ºC.
5. TA Instruments Q2000 DSC equipment, for heat flow measurements with heating and/or cooling cycles in a temperature range from -50 °C to 250 °C, modulated DSC or heat capacity measurements.
6. TA Instruments Q1000 DSC equipment for heat flow measurements with heating and/or cooling cycles in a temperature range between -180 °C and 150 °C, modulated DSC or heat capacity measurements.
7. TCi thermal conductivity equipment (C-THERM Technologies) whose working temperature range is from -50 ºC to 200 ºC.
– Thermal stability analysis of materials.
– Study of decomposition, depolymerization and oxidation processes.
– Determination of humidity and volatile content.
– Purity analysis of materials.
– Determination of phase transitions, glass transition, melting, crystallisation and curing temperatures.
– Crystalline polymorphism and liquid crystal phase studies
– Determination of crystallisation enthalpies, polymerization enthalpies, etc.
– Determination of heat capacities.
– Thermal conductivity measurements of powders, liquids, foams, polymers, ceramics and metals.
-Research centres in the fields of chemistry, materials physics, materials science and engineering, polymer science, nanomaterials, biomaterials, etc.
-Pharmaceutical, food and agrochemical industries.
-Industries related to polymers (plastics, resins, foams), composite materials, ceramics, etc.
– Sectors related to the storage and conversion of energy: batteries, solar cells, LEDs, etc.
Campus San Francisco, Facultad de Ciencias
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 – 50009 Zaragoza (España)
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